O'Neill, a former chairman at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, rose to fame after proclaiming in 2001 that Brazil, Russia, India and China were emerging investment magnets that would drive global markets for a decade.
The way these firms are managed, the amount of capital that they have, the amount of liquidity that they have, the changes in their business mix.
Patrick Odier, Chairman of the Swiss Bankers Association, emphasised that the industry had to improve the way it lives up to its responsibilities to all stakeholders.
Schroders’ Chief Economist, Keith Wade, gives his growth outlook for the BRIC markets following weaker data across emerging markets in Q2 of 2013:
Culture of embracing change – In today's environment, change is constant, so banks must be nimble and innovative.
JO Hambro Investment Management is looking to capitalise on new opportunities created by its recent buyout by Bermuda National Limited (BNL), and the portfolio of financial institutions the firm is now partnering with.