Non-compete clauses, which can prevent individuals from starting new businesses or working for competitors, may stifle innovation and limit options for the community.
Higher minimum wages, increased salary thresholds for exemptions under the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act and expanded overtime protections, all point to increased risk and exposure to defend costly litigations.
Henson Orser, chief executive of Soter Insure, said: “This licensing milestone underscores Soter Insure’s commitment to redefining insurance for the Web3 economy.
3,839 prompted disclosures in 2023/24, yielding £57 million with HMRC now typically following up letters four to six weeks later.
In order not to commit a Core Money Laundering Offence they must also have received consent, known as a defence against money laundering ("DAML"), from the FRA following the making of the SAR.