
Coutts Wealth Watch - Bond bear market?

A bear market has potentially broken out in US government bonds, and our favoured response is to continue to rebalance portfolios towards equities.


Investment update on the outlook for Asia in 2013 - Barings

Despite volatility caused by events both within and outside of the region, it is important to recognise that Asia was one of the top performing regions in 2012 with the MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Index rising by 22.60% in US dollar terms over the course of the


Soaking the rich won't work

Governments that are raising tax rates on the wealthy to plug budget holes are doomed to disappointment.


Pulling back from the cliff - Coutts Comment

We expect the positive tone in equity markets to continue. Recent economic data out of the US and China has been strong, and markets will take heart from the positive news flow, at least until the politicians are called upon for more decision making.


UK should step up defence of financial services

The Government must do more to defend the contribution the financial services sector makes to the wider economy because it is not just about “a few people drinking Bollinger”, according to the City of London Corporation.