
Key benefits of establishing a captive insurance company

The ability to influence pricing is another benefit of owning a captive in the current market where successive health, environmental and climate disasters are affecting the balance sheets of insurers and reinsurers, driving up rates.


Why Choose Guernsey for Funds

Guernsey has a wide variety of fund structures to suit each investment strategy and JTC has a long track record of deploying these successfully in partnership with our clients.


Pandemic crisis is a chance to take stock

Guernsey's regulatory optionality, or for want of another term – flexibility – means that it is not just funds which benefit from Guernsey's simple regulatory approach.


Resilience at the Heart of our Success

Connectivity to all parts of the proposition value chain were already built, tested and functional and are now being widely utilised in the most challenging of circumstances.


Africa’s Challenges in a Post-Covid-19 Era

Health systems and infrastructure across the continent looks fragile and the economic impact of a rapid rise in cases of the virus will be widespread and significant.