
2023: Cayman property overview

Total freehold sales surpassed the US$1Billion mark for the third year in a row with US$1,316,557,370 of consideration changing hands throughout the year.


Navigating Property Disputes

Property owners are keen to ensure that there is clarity and certainty as to the extent of their respective property boundaries


Cayman Islands Mutual Funds

It is not intended to be exhaustive but merely to provide brief details and information which we hope will be of use to our clients.


Important new article on Guernsey legal methodology

To mark the 20th anniversary of his highly regarded and often cited textbook, Laws of Guernsey (Bloomsbury Publishing), Advocate and Guernsey litigation partner, Gordon Dawes, has written an important and lengthy new article


Cayman toolkit for foreign arbitration

The purpose was to prevent the defendant from enforcing a security they granted over a certain number of its shares (charges) pending the determination of two arbitrations