It is common ground among insolvency lawyers that the concept of insolvency should be a unitary and universal one, so long as it does not conflict with local law or policy: this is the doctrine of ‘modified universalism’.
The case involved a minority shareholder, Gavin Mahew, who was forcibly redeemed pursuant to Section 176 of the Act.
During the presentation at the Grange City Hotel in London on Wednesday evening, Appleby, one of the world’s largest providers of offshore legal services, was also awarded the ‘Isle of Man Law Firm of the Year’ title and named runner-up
On April 20, 2006, Smith instructed Clayton Greene to pay $325,000 to yet another local law firm
Offshore law firm Mourant Ozannes is the leading offshore adviser to FTSE 100 clients according to a special, 10th Anniversary edition of the Corporate Advisers Rankings Guide, published today.
Running for the third consecutive year, the list honours 200 of the most powerful women in government, private wealth, private client advisory, education and philanthropy across the international financial centres.
The government of Switzerland, he recalled, had earlier recovered and repatriated $700 million to Nigeria from previously discovered Abacha loot.