
Caymanian attorneys still being marginalised

Despite an attempt to modernise Cayman’s legal profession through the Legal Practitioners Bill in 2012, Caymanian attorneys are still no further ahead in the profession.


Update to Banking Regulations Further Enhances Cayman’s Appeal

The Cayman Islands have for decades been one of the world’s leading banking and financial centres, currently ranking as the fifth largest banking centre worldwide, with over 200 banks, including 40 of the world’s 50 largest banks, and over US$


Statutory Hastings-Bass Enacted in Bermuda

The TAA, which has retroactive application, amends the Trustee Act, 1975 (the “TA”) in order to place the traditional Hastings-Bass rule on a statutory footing in Bermuda law.


Prison sentence for Cayman investment adviser

After they agreed to assist undercover U.S. Internal Revenue Service investigators in laundering purported criminal proceeds through an offshore structure designed to conceal the true owners of the funds.


How to Ensure the Valid Issuance of BVI Company Shares - Harneys

Subscribers for shares in a British Virgin Islands (BVI) company usually assume that such shares have been validly issued and they are quick to point to their share certificate or even the share register of the BVI company as absolute evidence of that fac


PwC search for $190m continues

It was in 2006 that PwC was appointed custodian of Bancafe International Bank Ltd. after the financial institution was deemed insolvent and the Central Bank intervened and closed its operations.