Appleby advises Standard Chartered on consolidation of Jersey banking entities
The transaction was ground-breaking in its use of the Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1991
The transaction was ground-breaking in its use of the Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1991
The proceeds of the placing are being used to part fund the proposed acquisition by Lancashire from Cathedral Capital’s existing shareholders.
It also confirms English cases on directors' duties will continue to be persuasive in the Cayman Islands
Chambers UK IFLR and The Legal 500 all undertake thorough research and analysis of local law firms and seek extensive client feedback to determine their results.
Our panel of experts will use this opportunity to discuss these changes and share their knowledge and experience with our clients and contacts here in Dubai.
It is independently researched and ranks leading lawyers and law firms in over 140 different jurisdictions.
It is the largest amount of capital raised by the fund since it was launched in 2010 and had been oversubscribed
Appleby, one of the world’s largest providers of offshore legal, fiduciary and administration services, is the only law firm to have two lawyers listed as Most Highly Regarded Individuals in the Who’s Who of Private Client Lawyers 2013
The development of the law on privacy in the Cayman Islands will lag behind other countries
Employment intermediaries that supply UK-based workers to UK-registered businesses for offshore work will become responsible for ensuring that those workers' employment taxes are paid correctly
The list has been created from a mix of submissions and feedback and recommendations from the global financial services industry and celebrates up and coming leaders in Jersey.
This year the directory has moved Appleby up two places for Finance & Corporate, and Investment Funds also moved up a tier.
Carey Olsen’s position as a leading offshore law firm in the Channel Islands for financial and corporate and investment funds work has been confirmed following the publication of the latest International Financial Law Review (IFLR) 1000 rankings.
The move complements Carey Olsen's reputation for listing debt and equity on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange.
Banks have been very important in helping Guernsey to develop as an international finance centre.
This Guide is intended to provide basic inform ation needed to answer questions on Guernsey foundations and the migration of foreign law foundations to Guernsey.
Insolvency is a major commercial risk. Prudent cred itors are able to protec t themselves against the potential risk of a debtor’s insolvency by taking security, thereby obtaining priority over other creditors.
Banking entities in Guernsey offer a range of services including retail banking services for local people, services for high net worth individuals and corporate banking services.
Chairman, John Kelleher, said the move to bring Hempel and Boyd into the Carey Olsen brand was a natural progression.
He resigned as managing director of Australia’s Future Fund, the country’s A$89 billion ($81 billion) sovereign wealth manager.