Many saw the Loan Charge as being grossly unfair, citing examples of employees who were told they would not be employed if they didn't accept payment via loans, numerous cases of miss-selling to unrepresented employees and even suicides of employees
A report on how the power in Finance Act 2019, which enables regulations to implement Council Directive (EU) 2018/822, will be used in different EU Exit scenarios.
A total of 609 regulations were introduced in 2019, most of them targeting tax evasion, for instance involving a failure to declare capital income to the tax man.
William Sweeney, senior manager in the tax technical team at accountancy firm, Menzies LLP, discusses options for international investors.
The island currently hosts offices for the Big Four, Grant Thornton, and Baker Tilly, among others, as well as many well-established small firms focusing in accountancy, audit, taxation and more.