
Guernsey legal and regulatory update Q3 2020

The GFSC has also recognised that there are increased information security risks as a result of licensees being unable to (or choosing not to) operate in their traditional office space with the acceleration of working from home which has followed the pand


EU-US Privacy Shield declared invalid – what's next?

To ensure transatlantic data flows between the EU and the US following this annulment, the EU Commission and the US government reached a new political agreement on the subject, following which the Privacy Shield decision was adopted in July 2016.


FINMA reprimands Swiss private Bank

In the course of these proceedings FINMA found that the bank did not make sufficient efforts to investigate the substantial growth in the client’s assets.


Phil Sharp takes 13th in La Solitaire du Figaro

Unable to fight for Sharp’s original objective of a top-10 result, he leaves the event with unfinished business, but also a great sense of satisfaction having progressed well with each stage climbing up the ranking.


BVI Government announcement on publicly accessible registers

This is far from a one-way direction of travel and it is clear from the UK’s programme for reform of its own Companies House (published this month) that availability to the public is not a sufficient replacement for professional verification.