Compliance is central to our client’s success and working with service providers that can set up structures quickly, efficiently and within the limits of the local and global legislation and regulation is a key requirement.
It follows from this analysis that the solidarity tax, while maintaining part of the income of vulnerable and most affected groups in society, will have a pro-cyclical effect on the economy.
The absence of significant European M&A activity has continued to depress the leveraged finance market, although the outlook for 2020 is stronger with considerable private equity dry powder available.
The FATF is the global body that promotes measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing, proliferation financing
People may not gather in groups of more than ten people, and retail businesses and restaurants will only be permitted to open between the hours of 7am and 9pm, with only curbside service, or home delivery.
The company admitted the breaches and, in the judgment, the court said that if the regulations were not followed it would impact on the Island’s reputation as a finance centre.
This register is not publicly accessible but, under limited circumstances, may be inspected by any law enforcement authority in the UK and EU members states.
It provides for the mandatory disclosure by intermediaries, or individual or corporate taxpayers, to the tax authorities of certain cross-border arrangements and structures that could be used to avoid or evade tax and the mandatory automatic exchange of