
Banker says CUB investment is a bailout

Browne urged the commercial banks to take on more risks since they “do no work” and drop “extortionate fees” and they should change their “nonsensical, self-defeating” strategies or face failure.


Cayman disposes of bearer shares

In light of the threat of terrorist financing and global anti-money laundering activities, the existence of bearer shares grew as a concern to regulatory bodies and governments alike.


The UCITS V Directive

The UCITS V provisions seek to address certain perceived weaknesses in the UCITS regime, particularly following the Madoff fraud and the default of Lehman Brothers.


Cayman changes perception of offshore centres

Describing last week’s London summit as historic, the premier said Cayman fully supports the ambitions to combat criminality and come up with a new standard for global information exchange.


The Great Migration

As a result, many of the herd are now wondering if there may be greener grass elsewhere.