
JFSC figures reflect NPPR increase

Over the same period, the total number of Jersey alternative investment funds being marketed into Europe through NPPRs also increased significantly to 291, representing a 15 per cent year-on-year increase.


Jersey Business Tendency Survey

For each indicator a net balance is calculated, defined as the difference between the proportion of businessesreporting an increase in a particular measure and the proportion reporting a decrease.


The Rise of BVI Special Purpose Acquisition Companies

For investors who buy shares in the IPO, an investment in a SPAC constitutes a bet on the ability of the SPAC’s experienced (and often high-profile) management team to quickly identify and consummate attractive investment opportunities


2017 Global Corporate Year in Review

This annual review highlights Conyers Dill & Pearman’s global corporate transactional legal work in 2017 across economic markets and industry sectors.