
Top 25 Trust Companies names

The Top 25 Trust Companies list, based on a survey of more than 100 UK and UK offshore trust companies


Channel Islands Rich List revealed

The Barclay Brothers are top of the Channel Islands Rich List and ranked 13th in the UK with £6,500m - up £500m on previous year


The Value of Sound and Progressive Regulation

Thoughts on the current Global regulatory agenda and the attractiveness of the Jersey Funds platform delivered at the pre conference Dinner - AIMA Global Regulatory Conference - New York


Who isn’t paying taxes?

Congressional hearings in the past few years made headlines exposing how Apple and Microsoft moved money overseas to avoid paying U.S. taxes


The Risks and Costs of an Ineffective Middle-Office

When assessing the various risks that might affect investment firms, fund managers and investors often overlook an element that can lead to failure if neglected: an ineffective middle-office.