
Panama Papers solicitor fined £45,000

Sharif’s clients were not identified in the ruling but have been reported to be two daughters of the president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.


Carey Olsen is top TISE listing agent

Carey Olsen partner Simon Marks said: "It has been another outstanding year for Carey Olsen Corporate Finance Limited on The International Stock Exchange.


Maitland acquires legal advisory firm

Our legal services offering in Monaco will be headed by Peter Walford, who brings to Maitland a large network of high net worth clients and intermediaries based in Monaco and elsewhere.


Jersey Approves US-style LLCs

LLCs will also be subject to the tax information exchange arrangements which Jersey has entered into based on the OECD model.


Royal Court issues letter of request to High Court

Again, while counsel was unaware of any case where the English courts had assisted the Royal Court, there have been several occasions where it has done so in respect of Jersey companies.