
High Court issues worldwide freezing order

The court was also not dissuaded from granting the injunction by the fact that the applicant companies were insolvent and the resulting weakness of their cross-undertakings in damages.


International law firm expands London office

She joins the Firm as a Partner with over 18 years of experience, both in onshore and offshore legal settings, having most recently worked as a partner at a prominent offshore law firm.


The Common Reporting Standard - Maitland

The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is the standard for automatic exchange of financial account information developed by the OECD which provides for systematic and periodic automatic exchange of information between participating governments of informati


Court shuts Avestra schemes linked to 1MDB crisis

The report, compiled by Simon Wallace-Smith and Richard Hughes of Deloitte and released to The Australian by the court, also reveals that a Cayman Islands vehicle linked to the 1MDB scandal is the owner of the Avestra Credit Fund, which backed a takeover


Cayman and British Virgin Islands firms announce merger

“Given our recent expansion in Asia, the time is right to partner with a law firm and corporate service provider to provide comprehensive legal services to our clients in both the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands,”


The BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Act 2015

The Amendment Act will amend the BCA to introduce certain requirements with respect to the notification and consent of the secured creditors of a BVI company that proposes to continue out of the BVI to another jurisdiction.