
Cayman Islands: ICTA head ‘terminated’ but paid out

The former managing director of the Cayman Islands Information and Communication Technology Authority had his contract terminated three months prior to its completion, but was still paid the remainder of his salary, Planning Minister Kurt Tibbetts reveale


Carey Olsen advises the States of Jersey on debut bond issue

The law firms were appointed following a competitive open tender and interview process which also saw Barclays Bank PLC, HSBC Bank plc and the Royal Bank of Scotland plc being appointed as joint lead managers. International law firm Allen & Overy LLP


Appleby announces new BVI head

Jeffrey and his family will relocate to the BVI from the Hong Kong office, where he has practised corporate and commercial law for the past five years, in early July.


Taking title to real estate in the Cayman Islands

The ultimate use to which the property is to be put and the potential liabilities which the intended use may give rise to may, of course, have a bearing on how the real estate should be titled