
Jersey for Good: Looking Ahead to 2022

These will reward particular firms and individuals in our finance sector who have embedded sustainable finance into the core of their business model and demonstrated a forward-thinking approach when it comes to putting Jersey on a path to leadership as a


How focused on sustainability are Guernsey businesses?

The survey looks to explore how important sustainability is to your business, why you care about environmental issues, what your business is currently doing regarding sustainability, among other questions.


Top 5 Sustainability Trends For Islands In 2022

Stakeholders in the environmental arena, including governments, members of the public and private sector, civil society, and academia, are all increasingly recognizing the need to adopt sustainable practices as a way to build resilience in island communit


BMA to integrate ESG into insurance regulation

Regarding the latter, the authority will continue its work on recovery and resolution for insurers (particularly for IAIGs, large domestic insurers and insurance groups).