
How 2015 made me wiser… by Penny Lovell

In the investment world every day is different. Yes, some aspects may seem repetitive but every day, every year, we learn new things. It’s like cooking: the raw materials and the recipes might look the same, but each restaurant is different from the


The hike before Christmas by Tim Price

“Christmas at my house is always at least six or seven times more pleasant than anywhere else. We start drinking early. And while everyone else is seeing only one Santa Claus, we'll be seeing six or seven.' - W.C. Fields.


Desperately Seeking Substance by Labuan IBFC

There is considerable interest to tap into the increased consumer spending in Asian economies, as the rising salaries of the region’s growing middle class are expected to further drive demand for consumer products.


A Foolish FTSE by Justin Urquhart Stewart

I find it faintly foolish that the main index that is quoted to us every night is one that has only the vaguest connection with the country it is purported to reflect or represent.