
Gold investment could double on economic woes - Coutts

Investors should double the amount of gold they hold as the value of paper currency diminishes along with the prospects for global economic growth, said a senior executive at Coutts, the private banking arm of Britain's Royal Bank of Scotland.


Crescent Wealth signs partnership deal with BLME

Crescent Wealth founder and Managing Director, Talal Yassine, said: “Our partnership with BLME, is significant because it is further evidence that Australia is being taken seriously as a viable growth market for Islamic funds management.


Expat Wealth Heads to Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia has come to the fore as a leading destination for expat earning potential according to the latest findings from HSBC Expat's Expat Explorer survey.


HNW join ranks in not trusting banks

Some 70% of the UK’s wealthy with over £250,000 investable assets have less faith in the banking industry compared to one year ago.