
Deloitte Guernsey Tax Bulletin: Common Reporting Standard

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, where the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (‘MCAA’) was signed, was attended by 39 ministers, constituting the largest gathering of ministers to take join


Swiss authorities agree to hand over non-HSBC details

Over the past few years, the Indian government has been dispatching a number of requests to the Swiss authorities arising from either search operations done by the Income Tax department or information received on holdings of Indians in Switzerland from th


Tax havens: why urgent action is needed

The EIB countered that the country did not feature on the OECD black list of secretive jurisdictions when it closed the contract on the project in 2012


Capital Flight In Latin America

From 1970 to 2011, US$2 trillion from Latin America and the Caribbean have been funneled to offshore tax havens. It’s money that moves behind the scenes, in illicit financial flows (IFF).


Labuan not fully exempted from GST

Labuan, which enjoys duty free status, will not be fully exempted from implementation of the Goods and Services Tax in April next year.


Swiss Financial Regulator Pledges Crackdown on Individuals

Switzerland’s financial services watchdog pledged to crack down on individuals suspected of misconduct, abandoning what the regulator has called a historical “reluctance” to target people rather than institutions.