
Gibraltar - UK Double Taxation Agreement

The terms included in the Gibraltar DTA will need to be seen and studied as and when it is pThe terms included in the Gibraltar DTA will need to be seen and studied as and when it is publishedublished


Bahamas: New tax reforms in effect

To allow businesses to select a time period that corresponds with their financial year, there will be four periods in the calendar year


‘Tax On Society’: 75% Of Workers Have No Pension

The Central Bank report itself said that the low 35 percent response rate, with just 49 out of 140 existing and potential pension plan sponsors responding, “underscores the importance of concluding and activating the regulatory framework for private


Nearly 490,000 taxpayers reveal undeclared income

IRB chief executive officer Datuk Seri Sabin Samitah in early January was quoted by the media as saying the SVDP aimed to attract at least one million taxpayers with an estimated RM10 billion in tax collection


Bran: Bahamas 'Must Explore' Income Tax

It's a more fair type of taxation, and something we certainly need to explore especially in light of the fact it will be fairer to the Bahamian people as a whole.


'It's Time to Adapt,' Says Grant Thornton

The report explores the ways professional work is evolving, the leadership skills that will be needed within the dynamic mid-market to thrive, and how organisations can stay competitive in the war for talent and customers in 2030.


Look to windward

The Law applies to Jersey-tax-resident companies with gross income during any financial period starting on or after 1 January 2019