
CRS And FATCA Update

We have summarised the key updates below which Cayman Financial Institutions (Cayman FIs) need to be aware of


Changes to work-permit process approved

The changes were introduced alongside previously planned tweaks to the immigration rules, which the premier said would help protect Caymanians in the workforce.


COVID-19 and tax residency

In early April 2020, the OECD released their guidance (PDF 327 KB) on how certain issues dealt with under the model OECD tax treaty will be affected by COVID-19


Overstayers amnesty granted

The amnesty is intended to reflect the spirit of compassion and humanitarianism which underpins the Government’s approach to policies in response to COVID-19,” the statement said.


Cicra “terminated” by Jersey

That the island has a need to transition to a Guernsey-only competition watchdog boils down to a difference in mindset between Guernsey and Jersey politicians.


Ireland Update: Temporary changes to the Irish planning regime

In cases where the public consultation period or the permitted appeal period falls within the Emergency Period, they will be automatically extended by a period equal to the number of days in the original deadline that fall within the Emergency Period.