
Govt. in talks with banks over COVID-19 assistance

The Prime Minister also noted that National Insurance Board (NIB) will be encouraged to engage hotel owners about the possibility of advancing NIB unemployment benefits on behalf of the Government.


Tax in the time of COVID-19

The goal is to ensure that households and businesses are able to keep their heads above water until the health crisis can be contained, so that the economy is ready to rebound once the worst of the pandemic has passed.


Holding the Line on Ultimate Beneficial Ownership

To address the challenges many jurisdictions experience in trying to ensure ownership transparency, last October the FATF released a best practice paper offering guidance on measures countries should consider to facilitate access to beneficial ownership a


SRD II Comes into Effect in Ireland

They introduce new rules on investor engagement and investment strategy transparency for institutional investors and asset managers that invest on their behalf.


Cayman to be put on lockdown

All non-essential businesses will imminently be required to close, unless they can operate with staff working from home.


The growing popularity of Jersey funds

The stable political environment and very proactive regulatory and governing bodies make Jersey a very popular jurisdiction with ZEDRA’s clients


Bermuda: Economic Substance Industry Notice

As Bermuda responds to the effect of COVID-19, the Registrar acknowledges that business continuity is challenging and as such, where meetings or other similar compliance measures are not possible due to necessary travel or quarantine restrictions, this ma


A time for Caribbean unity

Subsequent to this meeting, there have been about one hundred Covid-19 cases in the Caribbean, with four deaths.