
June deadline for Cayman EU funds passport

This timeframe was confirmed by Garth Ebanks, Deputy Head of CIMA’s Investments and Securities Division, at the Cayman Alternative Investment Summit (CAIS) earlier this month


Malaysia: The 1MDB money trail

Probes into suspicious transactions at the Malaysian fund have threatened to expose loopholes in global finance


Liquidation Regime Bar To $17m Asset Recovery

Although the Companies Act Winding-Up Amendment Act 2011 was passed into law, the Liquidation Rules Committee has yet to designate which nations are to be listed as ‘relevant foreign countries’ and qualify for assistance from the Bahamian cour


‘Fiduciary creep’ could lead to independent governance

Colin MacKay (pictured) is Group Director, Elian Fund Services. In his view, this evolution is, in part, why attempts to codify the duties and responsibilities of those charged with oversight could be counterproductive.