
Guernsey Is Not a Tax Haven: KPMG

KPMG Head of Tax Tony Mancini discusses the Channel Islands and the accusations that the island chain isn't tax transparent


HSBC begins closing Jersey accounts

The bank is carrying out checks on the identity and address of thousands of its customers on the Channel Islands, and is closing accounts that do not meet tax compliance standards.


PAC wants offshore accounts holders exposed

The findings follow a massive cache of leaked data that revealed how the Swiss banking arm of HSBC, the world’s second­largest bank, helped wealthy customers conceal billions of dollars of assets.


Compliance= Change or Extinction

In the financial services industry, compliance refers to adherence to the regulations, policies, and guidelines that apply to a financial institution


Crestbridge report examines key AIFMD issues

Risk management, cost and changes in fund structuring are the key issues for managers and investors arising from the initial impact of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)


New managed account regime for hedge fund managers

The exemption will enable fund managers that are already regulated under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law to carry out fund services business and service QSMAs without needing to seek additional regulation in order to conduct investment business under