
The Cost Of Compliance

This trend brings due-diligence, risk-management and transparency- management processes of funds and their managers to the forefront, with the obvious result being an increase in hedge fund compliance costs.


BVI IBC Company

The British Virgin Islands is the most popular offshore jurisdiction, with favourable business regulations, a prosperous economy and stable political situation.


Cayman Islands: Government budget passed just in time

The Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly unanimously passed the government’s 2014/15 spending plan Wednesday, just four working days before the territory would have run out of authority to spend money on July 1.


Bahamas govt modifies position on gaming industry

The Bahamas government says it is “unable to ignore” the nuances that came to light when the island held a referendum on gaming in 2013 as it announced measures to modify its position on regulating the gaming industry.


UK Government Pledges Support for BVI Financial Services

United Kingdom (UK) Member of Parliament and Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Hon. Mark Simmonds, has expressed his support for the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and its financial services industry during a fact-finding trip t


The Best Offshore Solutions

Tom Carey and Ben Morgan of Carey Olsen tell HFMWeek how Guernsey has maintained its solid reputation following the implementation of AIFMD