The first company, Yorkshire Investment Limited was incorporated on April 27, 1998 with a registered address at No2 Commercial Centre Square, Alofi, the capital of the Niue Island.
As long as payments out match payments in, S110 securitisation vehicles pay virtually no tax, if any.
The Panama Papers project, organized by the international journalists’ consortium, has involved more than 400 reporters around the world and has set off criminal investigations in many countries.
The airport’s owners insist this company, which also owns half of Aberdeen Airport, is registered for UK tax.
“It’s not just about clever companies,” O’Sullivan stressed. “Somebody has to create the tax haven for profits to be shifted in to, and many governments are willing to do that.”
The current basic rate of income tax in the UK is 20%. Whilst there are various circumstances to which deduction of income tax at source is relevant, the specific purpose of this article is to describe the position that applies when UK source interest is