Acknowledging the concern and apprehension whenever ‘tax reform’ is mentioned, Mr Paton said it will have to be implemented in a way that broadens the base without increasing the burden on individual Bahamians and businesses.
Cayman FIs with external service providers, such as administrators, undertaking their CRS due diligence should discuss this requirement with their service provider to ensure that it is being met.
The new Bill also tackles another EU concern by eliminating ‘ring fencing’, or the existence of preferential tax regimes for foreigners/non-resident entities, by enabling IBCs and the other corporate entities to conduct business in the domesti
The collective value of the properties comes to £773m. However, as only a fifth of properties within the data provide a sale price, the true figure could be as high as £3.5 billion.
Sabrina Scarna, a tax lawyer with Tetra Law, also believes that the lack of fines is logical at this stage.