
Malta: Banking In Malta

Banks should be able to understand the general principles of tax planning and international tax structuring in order for them to perform their services in an efficient and effective manner.


BVI Joins EU Whitelist

On 18 February 2020, the Economic and Financial Affairs Council announced that the British Virgin Islands has moved to the ‘whitelist’, indicating that the BVI is now in line with tax governance and transparency standards prescribed by the EU.


Bermuda Joins EU Whitelist

The Economic and Financial Affairs Council has announced that Bermuda has moved to the “whitelist” following efforts over the past months to implement legislative changes that comply with the EU’s tax governance principles.


Mourant Regulatory Update – Guernsey Corporate

The changes, which are not yet in force, are consistent with Guernsey's alignment to general principles of UK corporate insolvency processes, while providing welcome flexibility and simplification.


Updates to the BVI Regulatory Code 2009

All existing licensees (ie licensees holding a licence prior to 13 November 2019) have until 1 July 2020, to comply with the new requirements under the RC09